Terms And Conditions

  • You accept these terms and conditions by using our services and visiting our website.
  • Accuracy of Information: We make an effort to offer current, accurate information on the properties listed on our website. However, we cannot guarantee that any information—including specifics about the property and its availability—is accurate, full, or reliable.
  • Property Listings: The property listings on this website do not represent an offer to buy, sell, or rent; rather, they are provided solely for informative purposes. Terms, availability, and prices are subject to change at any time. We advise you to confirm all details with our agents or the owners of the properties directly.
  • Client Responsibilities: In order to enable real estate transactions, you, the client, undertake to supply correct and true information. It is your responsibility to go over and comprehend all of the terms, conditions, and legal ramifications associated with the buying, selling, or renting of real estate.
  • Intellectual Property: TakeYourHome or its licensors own all content on our website, including text, photos, logos, and trademarks. Without our prior written consent, you are not permitted to disseminate, reproduce, or exploit our content.
  • Limitation of Liability: TakeYourHome and its representatives disclaim all liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to losses of profits, disruptions of business, or property transactions resulting from your use of our website or services.
  • Modification Terms: We maintain the right, at any time and without previous notice, to change these terms and conditions. You accept the updated conditions if you keep using our services after they are posted.

We appreciate you selecting TakeYourHome. We are excited to help you locate the ideal residence or investment property.